Busted !! - Security-Guide I was busted !! (Update 06.04.2001) Here is my "I was busted"-Message, posted by me for the first time at all known Boards around at the end of Jan 2001. This shall be a Security-Guide for everyone, especially for Newbies. To reach them and the greatest possible amount of people, I decided to write in easy English. It's also important to get the Progs listed here and so you'll find all necessary Links.I think I will update and post this regularly. Now read and learn from my experiences !! Note: Cause of the problems with the posting of this guide in the past and to keep it more convenient to read, I decided to reorganise it and to keep it as short as possible. And all Links are now in a special Links-Section. Also I decided to use the synonym DS for Dangerous Stuff - I think you know what it stands for - and my expressions to keep this Guide low-dangerous and readable for others ouside the community !! Also I will try to post this guide frequently at the Slim-Board and of course at the Boards around, which Links I can't post here, cause of security reasons !! ----------------------------------------------------------- Hel-lo Guys !!! First I wanna thank the community for their great work. I (and with me 10.000 others in the whole world) was busted by the fucking Police, cause they locked my IP on a german Site when I was Newbie and didn't know much about Internet- Security yet. Although I had luck, I had to destroy my whole stuff in a attack of great fear. With the help around, I could start a famous Second Beginnig. This is my first post at all since I started surfing the net at Feb 1999, cause I know how Big Brother is watching the People and I was always very afraid and didn't dare posting anything not even one letter. Nevertheless I got busted, only by visiting & watching stuff in the net, cause I didn't know much about the fucking IP-Adress !!! And from now on I HAVE TO post to clear up anyone specially the Newbies about the evil things going on here in the net. I think I will post this Infos regularly cause it's too important for anyone being in the net, specially those surfing the Underground. Surf Very Very Very Very Damned Safe Cause It Is War !!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Important Basic Infos Knock-Knock-Knock - Always keep in mind that two or more Gentleman WILL knock-knock-knock on your door if you're not surfing safe !!! NEVER give out personel datas like E-Mail-Addresses, Credit-Card-Numbers, Names etc. ----------------------------------------------------------- Keep being informed and paranoid Read all cases of busted ones and any info you can get about policework and politics to avoid getting busted like me. Special cases are posted around here frequently !! Also look to the news or to special News-Sites in the net !! And always keep being a little bit paranoid, cause Big Brother ALWAYS watches you and ALWAYS be anonymus, also when you d/l Proggies, Mp3 and so on from Undergrond-Sites !! Never feel to save !! Always be a little paranoid. Inform yourself. And maybe someone knows more than I and has better ideas. And keep in mind that everything is possible. Look also for Spyware on your system, read cases around & follow my message above. Regularly burn your stuff on CD-R/ CD-RW and hide it on a safe place. It's better to keep any dangerous stuff on CD-RW than on HD, cause when the Police arrives they usually want your PC with your Harddrive and maybe your CD's that are lying around too, but first your HD. Maybe you can install a little camera at your door and look if suspicious men are knock-knock-knocking. They are usually not alone, they are two or more men or woman. Maybe it's a good idea to have another old PC in your home that you can give them, if they're in your house or appartment. And never give out private datas of you and never trade with dangerous stuff, specially via E-Mail. And last but not least, my friend, hide your fucking IP- Number by surfing via anonymus Poxies !! Look in my message how to do this. I did nothing, I posted nothing, I wrote nothing, I dealt with nothing, I never gave out names or private datas, I said nothing to nobody, I avoided going regularly to the Usenet (NG) and my E-Mail-Account was always empty, I was not even a shadow or existant - and they caught me cause of my fucking IP !! I lead them into a wrong chamber with PC-Parts but without a PC and lied that I would have no functionable PC that time and I lead them to another clean PC somewhere else - Oh man, did I had luck !! But believe me, in my case it's just like a wonder, that will surely not happen twice, if they come to you !! ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous Surfing, Proxies, Proxy-Networks, IP Every Website you're visiting, automatically saves you're IP- Address, that is a private information like your Telefon- Number. This IP can easily be traced and at least the states lawyers only need to ask the Provider, that gives you Internet-Access, to get your IP. The Providers have to keep the Logfiles for 3 Month. The Solution is to surf with Proxie. A Proxie is an "Electronical Medium", that replaces your IP by his own IP. There are Web-Based Proxies that works by placing the Proxy-Address before the Web-Adress you want to visit. There are a lot of such free Proxies and you can chain them, but the more Proxies you chain, the more slowly becomes your Internet-Connection. The anonymising Proxie saves his Logfiles only 3-7 days, than they'll get deleted. If the Police had to get your IP they would have to act very fast. Use Multiproxy or A4Proxy with Anonymus Proxy-List or similar Proggies and check Anonymity and look the other Links for being safe in the net. Update the Proxy-List once a week. For alternatives look at Zep. To get your own IP in MultiProxy you have to go to Options/Advanced Options/Local IP. Sometimes there are Proxies in the anonymous Proxy-List that are not really anonym. I haven't found such Proxies yet, but cause of this it's important to always check your IP. Also do a Whois-Check and check in which country your Proxie is Installed. Also use the Abbreviations-List for this (Links-Section). US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New-Zealand, Japan & Russia are more dangerous than other countries cause of LEA-Cooperations so you have to sort them out. Also sort out .com, .net, .org, .edu, .mil, .gov & .int-Proxies. And always inform yourself about new Cooperations. Also you have to sort out the safe Proxies for yourself, cause it is supposed to be that LEA and Security-Services will get control over the Proxies or that they will be shut down. I myself often thought about of posting the safe anonymous Proxies-List but than decided otherwise. But there are very much Proxy-Lists out in the net, so all you have to do is to extract the safe ones. I think, to use Multi-Proxy or A4Proxy is relatively safe, above all when you have the function "Always use fastest Proxie" enabled. If a IP-logging Trap-Site is posted, the Officers will focus on those IP's that appear often. The others are choosen out as "accidents". And if someone has only one certain anonymous Proxie installed, he will appaer often and thus be traced over the anonymous Proxy-Logfiles. And if there's is sometimes a not really anonymous Proxie in the anonymous Proxy-List of i.e. Multi-Proxy than it doesn't really matter in that way a certain Proxy does, cause the Multi-Proxy frequently changes the Proxies, and so the IP's change and also the country changes. And the Police and LEA has not the time and the people to check every single IP - in the case above described there would be over 500.000 IP's to be checked !! And if they would do so, they would have to get the Proxy-Log-Files within 3-7 days, than they will be deleted !! Another thing is when you're uploading stuff. Than you should have chained Proxies or Proxies in an not LEA- friendly Country. I also added an Upload-Section down below, so look there. The most safe thing would be to use a Proxy- Network, as it is described down below. A professional solution is the encrypted Proxy-Network Freedom.net. But it costs $49 in the year. 3 Proxies are choosen by random out of 150 placed in the whole world, so that national Policeforces are not able to get the Logfiles, which maybe could get access to the Proxie with a "Search Warrant". But if Police would get access in spite of this, they would have nothing, cause the Logfiles are encrypted. Also the whole Data-Transfer from your home to the first Proxie is encrypted (256 Bit Blowfish). Even Freedom.net would get no access to their Logfiles, cause only the User have the pass to get access to them and there are no Backdoors or Securtiy-Wholes. Also the datas are encrypted 3 times. But I've also heard, that the system is not very stable and also think about the fact you have to register there. Registering is always unsafe !! Another free Proxy-Network is JAP. It's a new solution of the "Techincal University Dresden" and it has been in a Test-Phase for one month now (Apr 2001). It's something like the Freedom-Net but not the same and it's for free. It's something like a Proxy-Network. The best thing is, that the system works with 3 chained Proxies and all Proxy-Owners declared "Not to safe any Proxy-Logfiles nor to change Log-Files with other Proxy-Owners nor to give them out", what will be frequently contolled by JAP. And finally, cause of the fact that much users will use this Network, it is not possible to trace them, cause any user of the Network could be the one who surfed a webpage. But also keep in mind, that it is Java-based and that can make the whole thing very unsafe cause now it is possible to get easy access to your system and maybe get your IP. Also think about the fact, that it is in germany (Big-Brother-State No. 1) and that it is a Beta-Phase and that all could be very dangerous !! So better regard it cautiously before using it !! Nevertheless I think something like this will be the future of anonymous surfing. Also read the Newsgroup-Section for chaining proxies. You will need chaining proxies when you're uploading, cause that will make you very much safer in the net and much more difficult to trace you !! ----------------------------------------------------------- Java, Javascript, Active Scripting, Cookies and h**ps Disable Java, Javascript, Active Scripting and Cookies in your Browser (Browser-Options). Java is the worse cause it makes your IP visible, although you're surfing with anonymus Proxie !! Also Java and Active Scripting make it possible for others to get easily access to your system and i.e. start foreign programs on your system !! Some Webpages are working only with Java (Homebanking), so you have to decide between being safe or visiting those sites. If the Websites are suspicious than avoid them !! Cookies spy your system by recording datas that can easily be read out by further visits on the sites that saved the cookies on your system !! With Netscape Navigator you can install different Profiles for Different surfing. So you don't have to change those settings every time you need them, just use the other profile. I write that, cause I use IE and sometimes i.e. after a Homebanking- Session you just forget to rechange the settings and than you'll get busted !! If you are redirected to a secure link (h**ps://) the server on the other side gets your IP, even if you disabled Java and Cookies (Especially for Credit-Card-Transactions) !! So I recommend to activate the Warning-Message of your browser, that informs you about secure Links !! AND NEVER VISIT h**ps-SITES WITH ON TOPIC STUFF !! If they get your IP it's only a question of time until the police knocks at your door !! And last but not least Javascript. Some say not to worry about it. But I say don't trust it !! Especially when you're often E-Mailing, you should disable it. There are Securtiy-Wholes, that can start Links in your received E-Mails using Javascript !! Never Trust it. Earlier or later there will be other Security-Wholes using Javascript. Better be protected in advance !! ----------------------------------------------------------- Encryption, HD-Cleaning, Passwords If LEA or someone similar gets you're HD they do "Forensic Analysis" of you're HD, that means that every hidden Bit of you're HD will be examinated and proofed by them !! Better get a second HD, were all you're dangerous stuff is, that can be disconnect easily, if LEA does a knock-knock- knock at your door, like they did at my one !!! Also use this HD for your Temporary Internet-Files. There are several programs, with which you can encode your DS as there are i.e. WinZip, WinRar, PGP, GnuPG. As PGP went unsafe cause of Security-Holes it is better to use GnuPG instead for strong and deep encryption. There are rumours of a LEA-Patch for PGP and also there is a third key that can be implemented now in newer versions (Apr 2001). When you zip your files only ones, you can look into the WinZip- Archive only by clicking it. WinZip than starts automatically and you see all datas about the zipped files. If LEA (Law Enforcement Agency) visites you they can see all your zipped files with all infos only by clicking the Zip-Archiv, even if it is Password-Protected. So they know that you have dangerous stuff. That's why I zip my files twice, first without and than with a looong Password (90 signs). So they see only a second Zip-Archive that can not be watched deeper. I think that is enough, cause with Brute-Force-Attack it takes too long to Crack the Password. I tried to crack a WinRar-Archive with a WinRar- Cracker and ...- forget it !! I heard something about cracking a 5-Sign-PW and that it would take about 2 weeks with a fast PC !! And I think a 90-Sign-PW will take years, even with a Super-Computer !! There are lists in the Internet, that show, which DS is known and forbidden, so it's important to change your Zip-File-Names, for example Lacy or Lcy instead of Lucy. In the case of a scan of your HD (By the Internet or by Police- Officers or by LEA) nobody can find suspicious stuff on your HD. Use Evidence Eliminator (EE) and fill the rest of your HD with trash after surfing to delete ANY MAGNETICAL HD-TRACE of your stuff !!! Try to get it here at Fosi, Still-Listener or at Secure-Soft. An alternative is Windows-Washer from Fosi but EE is the best, cause it is LEA-Proofed !! Maybe you'll find other alternatives at the Links down below or at Zep. There are a lot of little helper to clean your HD. One is Spider, that REALLY cleans your Url's and hidden traces, that you leave after a D/l-Session. The other one is CyberScrub, that similar to EE REALLY deletes all sensitive datas from your HD. And there is another Proggie called BCWipe, that does the same, but CyberScrub seems to be better. Get all Proggies here at SecureSoft. Here is also a Tool called Encase used by LEA to discover ALL (hidden) Files. You should use it, to test if your system is really safe. I think Cyberscub is much better than BCWipe but maybe you should use it in addition to the other Proggies. I for myself use Cyberscrub and additional EE. Get Cyberscrub from SecureSoft and BCWipe from Jetico. Also NEVER post stuff in the Net, that's not encrypted & PW- Protected, especially Pictures or Movies, that can directly be seen by surfing them. There are new programs in the Net, that search very effectivly for pictures that can easily be watched. There are more and more cases of busted guys, which have posted pics unencoded and free-accessable for everyone !! Also remember that if your making photos with Digital Cameras every Picture may record Infos that show also the Serial- Number and Type of your Camera !! Also the police has modern equipment to check any photo for details, so better get rid of Fingerprints and Mirror-Reflections in the photo !! There are 2 other Tools to encrypt your files and to hide them. The first is Scramdisk and the second one is Encrypted Magic Folders. Get the last one from SecureSoft. The second important thing is to clean your HD any time You downloaded dangerous stuff from the Internet. If you delete your stuff from your HD, it's not real deleted, only some pointers in the directory are set to special value, so that you can't see them. When you surf around Cosmo-Connor or Fosi you will find some Discovery-Tools like Easy-Recovery, Lost & Found, PC-Inspektor or Encase, a special LEA-Tool. Try them and you'll maybe will find files from the first Installation of your HD years ago !!! To solve that problem you have to overwrite this files or specially destroy (wipe) them. This can be done by proggies like BCWipe, EE & Cyberscrub. The last two are the best proggies to clean your HD after every D/l-Session or to generally delete files. But you have to choose minimum DoD-Security-Level or higher in Options to stop Hardware-Recovery. The other alternative is to overwrite your files. After I was busted I deleted anything on my both HD's. Than I choose a little Partition (1,5 GB) on my portable HD, that can be disconnected easily, in the case that the police visits me again. On this Partition is also the "Temporary Internet Files"-Directory from the Internet Explorer. Than I overwrote all Partitions on all HD's with trash, so that nothing can be found anymore, cause when you overwrite all your stuff to the last byte, the new files replace the magnetical structure of the old ones - the files are sure deleted. Overwriting is the best and most simple way to real delete anything. And if you are having a little Partition with mostly around 300 - 600 MB free Disk-Space the Overwriting takes only a few minutes. But make sure you never copy your stuff to another Partition or HD only copy it within that Partition were your dangerous stuff is !! Also keep in mind, that this method does not scramble the File-Names in the HD-Directory. So if LEA knocks at your door and scans your HD, they'll maybe find suspicious File-Names and do further investigations. The better method is to frequently wipe your HD's with EE or Cyberscrub. As much important as Encryption & HD-Cleaning are Passwords. Passwords are necessary to keep your stuff hidden and to keep out of jail. But PW's are crackable, so you have to choose not easy-crackables, long PW's with untypical structure and a mixture of Signs and Numbers like "Heeloo 5689 klpiu-צהצהצהצה ...and so on", cause PW-Cracking-Tools often use lists with often-used words like "Darling" or "Tony" or "Love" that most peolpe use for easy remembering. ----------------------------------------------------------- HD-Encoding with Scramdisk If downloaded files shall kept secret, you've got to encode them. That can be done perfectly and for free with Scramdisk (Look at Links-Section). With this program you can install a "Container" on your HD with variabel Amount, i.e. 650 MB. This Container is handled like a virtual drive after entering a 20-Lenght-PW (better 32) and you can write programs, files and Directories in it. Anything becomes automatically encrypted and anything that's read out of it becomes automatically decrypted after entering the right PW. If the PC crashs all datas will be kept encrypted and only can be read with the right PW. So nobody can see your private datas. And the Encryption is so deep (256 bit Blowfish) that even Secret Services or Police or LEA can do nothing, if no easy PW is choosen by you!! BestCrypt is something similar to ScramDisk and better, but It is not for free (Links-Section). ----------------------------------------------------------- Eliminating Internet-Traces with EE & Cyberscrub After you surfed the web, there are a lot of Files restored at your HD, that could discover were you've been in the Net and be traced if someone (LEA & Big Brother) would examine it To delete this files manually does not work, cause there are special methods to discover them easily (Try Easy-Recovery or Encase and you'll perhaps get a shock !!). But there are programs that totally delete your files and restore your system to the situation that had been, before you surfed the net. The best you can get are Evidence-Eliminator and Cyberscrub, which you should use both (See also Dat-File & Swap-File-Section). Anything that could bring you into trouble with justice will be eliminated, as there are Browser-Cache-Files , Histories of visited Pages, Windows- Swapfile, etc. The best thing you can do here, is to let the program run over night after the Surf-Sessions. The program than shuts down your PC automatically. ----------------------------------------------------------- Dat-Files These files contains ALL the adresses you've visited since you used Internet Explorer !! They are usually located here: C:/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/index.dat C:/Windows/Cookies/index.dat C:/Windows/Historique/History.IE5/index.dat There are some proggies for getting rid of this files, as there are: Spider, BCWipe, DelayDel V1.0, Cyberscrub and Evidence Eliminator (EE). The problem is that most of this proggies don't delete the Dat-Files completely and that the Dat-Files are resident programs that can't be erased while using Windows. You have to restart your computer and use DOS-Mode to delete them or you use DelayDel, with which you can choose files that should be deleted after Windows- Restart. Also keep in mind, that simple erasing does not delete the files for real, they are still there. So have to wipe the files, but this can only be done by Wipe- Proggies like BCWipe, EE or Cyberscrub. The best solution is to get Cyberscrub, that wipes the files also after Windows-Restart. Also use it to delete dangerous files on your HD and to get rid of all Surfing-Traces after Internet-Sessions. Also use EE additional to do the same. For safe elimination use minimum DoD-Security-Level in both proggies to stop Hardware-Recovery. Also you should have 2 hard drives, a clean one with nothing on it but your system and proggies and an other one, that can easily be disconnected. On this second one should be all Internet-Traces and all dangerous (encrypted) files. And last but not least use Encase to test if you're safe. ----------------------------------------------------------- Swap-File The Windows Swap-File is another dangerous spy. Cause why mostly there isn't enough Memory on a system to run all proggies, especially those needing high performance, Windows creats a special temporary file on HD to store datas in and that is always present in a frequently modified version, the Swap-File. You can get rid of it by installing a SHITLOAD of RAM (minimum 160 MB), and DISABLE your Swap-File, cause if there is no swap file, it can't contain evidence. Another way to completely erase it is by a very complicated procedure with a Drive-Imaging-Proggie like Norton Ghost. But if you try other easier methods and test the results with Encase you will get the following: WindowWasher, BCWipe or Renaming does NOTHING to the Swap- File. Rename, FLUSH (an Overwrite-Proggie) & delete also does NOTHING. And EE with every paranoid setting imagineable enabled, cleaned MOST of the incriminating evidence, but still left enough info to raise question and warrant further investigation. The best way to get rid of it seems again be the combination of Cyberscrub and EE with set DoD-Security-Level. ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyberscrub, EE, Second HD, CD-Writer and Scramdisk Cyberscrub seems to be the ultimate solution. It "really" deletes (wipes) all stuff on all HD's, erases all hidden Url's and your Surf-Tracks and it also deletes the Dat- and Swap-Files after Windows-Restart. And after all it's easy to use. But you have to setup the "Erase"-Level in Options/Security Level/Change Method to DoD or higher (Stop Hardware Recovery) to really delete your stuff. Also always use right Mouse-Click and "Erase beyond recovery" to get rid of dangerous files !! In addition to this always use also Evidence Eliminator. And it's a good idea to use a CD- Writer to get your stuff on CD-RW, away from your HD. And if you have to keep it on HD than use Scramdisk or something similar to encrypt your stuff and if possible use a second HD for that stuff, that can easily be disconnected !! ----------------------------------------------------------- Anti-Virus-Checker & Security-Holes Check your System every day with a good Anti-Virus-Proggie (i.e. Mc Affee) and update minimum once a week !!! If you still haven't a AV-Checker look at the Links-Section for AntiVir, that is for free. And never open E-Mail attachments, when you don't exactly know from whom it is !! That's one of the easiest ways to get i.e. a Trojan Horse that spies out your system and sends back informations from your system !! And keep yourself informed about Security-Holes, that makes your system unsafe !! ----------------------------------------------------------- Firewalls and Spyware Firewalls are to avoid your Ports being visible. Ports are virtual doors of your PC in the Internet or Intranet (Networks). For example there is Port 80 for h**p, but at the same time Port 190 could be open for Access to Newsgroups in the Usenet. Very dangerous are Trojan Horses, that could have overtaken the control over your Ports, so that someone in the Net could get full control of your PC !! Firewalls protect you against that by closing the Ports that are not given free by the User and by making them unvisible for Pings. (Anonyman: Pings are a kind of little Test-Data- Packets that test how reacheable a system is by sending them out and analyzing them after Comeback). Two of the best Firewalls are Zone-Alarm & AtGuard (Get it from SecureSoft). To check if your Ports are really closed go to ShieldsUp that scans your ports. Also look for Spyware on your system. Look at Cnet and search for Spyware and you'll find a lot of Freeware. Unfortunately the site to my favorite proggie was shut down, so I have no direct Link for it. A Spyware-Cleaner is extremly important specially when you use Freeware, that automatically loads Advertisment-Banners. But also the new Windows-Mediaplayer 7 can be Spyware and Acdsee regularly Creates Image-Database- Files (My one was about 200 MB !! When I found this out) in his Install-directory (Now I always delete the 2 ImageDB.xxx manually after using it). And your Go!zilla-Download-List is being saved frequently. Better diretcly delete your files from your Go!zilla-List after Download !! Look for other spies !! ----------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail Never give out your E-Mail-Adress to people you don't know exactly !! If you give out your E-Mail-Adress easily you will be spammed earlier or later or you'll come in danger !! Also never open E-Mail-Attachments from sources you don't know or you'll get a Virus or a Trojan Horse !! Also keep in mind, that the general E-Mail-Traffic will be watched by Big Bother in the future (Read also Paranoid- & Upload-Section) and that discussions are taken right now how they could handle this !! That is why you have to surf with anonymous Proxies when you register for an E-Mail-Account or changing your infos with it. Also always use faked Names and Adresses to register and of course disable Java, Javascript, all Avtive Scriptings & Cookies and test your anonymity or you will be traced easily if your real IP is shown. And better never deal or change dangerous stuff by E-Mail and if you have to, than better encrypt it with GnuPG or other high-secure proggies and with a looong PW. Also never use a Major-Mail-Service like AOL or T-Online or the one from your provider for dangerous E-Mails cause they have your address and thus can easily trace you. Use it only for good friends or general E-Mail-Traffic like that dealing with your job !! I heard (Feb 2000) about a plan of the British Government to open a special Central with Super-Computer in it, through which all E-Mail-Traffic of the whole British Country will be sent. This Center shall be able to decode encrypted E-Mails !! That's why you should read all cases and Infos dealing with dangerous stuff. They're regularly posted around and of course in the news. And always encrypt you're stuff with PGP, WinZip or WinRar DIRECTLY after d/l it with a LOOOONG PW and always clean your HD !!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Uploading 1) To be anonymous is more important than ever when u/l stuff. The same is to the Browser Settings (Java, Active Components, Cookies), that have to be setup to the highest Security-Level, that means they're all disabled. 2) H**tps or Sh**p and Ftp-Uploading-Services are like traps, that can easily be used to make your system unsafe and to get your real IP. Those things are to avoid, also when they seem to make things easier. 3) It's better to use server outside US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan & Russland, cause it will be more difficult to trace Uploaders and to get the Proxy-Log-Files within the few days they stay on the Proxies. Also you should not use an U/L-Server in your Home-State. 4) If the Registration for an U/L-Server requires an E-Mail- Account, than get an anonymous account at a free E-Mail- Service. That means, always use anonymous Proxie for Registration and Visits of your E-Mail-Account and use fake Infomations for Registration. And also do not use your Nickname, that you use when you're around in the net. If it's possible than avoid server that require an E-Mail- Account, cause it means to live double dangerous. Good E-Mail-Accounts are posted at Zep. 5) Always encrypt your U/L-stuff with a good and not simple PW and so that nobody can easily see the content by clicking it. If you use zip or something similar than zip it twice. And it is recommended to post that PW after the Files are deleted by you or the Server-Admins, cause Antis are always around and doing reports to Webmasters. Also you should use fake names for the files to hide the content. 6) Maybe it is better to get Proxy-Chains, but I still don't now exactly how to handle this. I'm also searching for a easy way to chain Proxies in a kind of Multi-Proxy or A4Proxy. For chaining Proxies look at Newsgroups. 7) The last problem is now to get a good server. It would be better to have Server-Lists. But here's everybody on his own. The easiest way is to look how others post and which server they use. ---------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups & Proxy-Chains The Proxies above only work with h**p in the Net. Only at Freedom.net you can post Articles in the NG anonymously. Also E-Mails are automatically encrypted here. But there are h**p- Based NG's in the net like Mailandnews.com, but they are very slow. There are other alternatives to be anonym in the NG and there are special Proggies, so look at Links-Section or at Zep. I'm not using Usenet & NG's, so I'm not an expert in this. But here are some basic Infos. As I know the Usenet was first built up for scientist to change infos. There are thousands of several specialised groups with special infos called Newsgroups (NG) and they have a special name like alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime. But in the last years the Usenet became more and more something like the Internet, where you can change all files, but much more uncomfortable than in the Internet. That's why the Usenet is not so popular as the Internet. To get access to the NG you have to get something like an Internet-Browser called Newsbot or Newsrobot. One of the best is SBNews and another one is Agent Forte (Links-Section). SBNews is as fully functional in ist Shareware-Version as it is in the registered Version, but every day the Start-Up-Procedure will take a little bit longer. As I know it is safer to be in the Usenet, cause there is no IP-Logging for Downloading only for Uploading. And that is the point, if you're downloading and above all uploading to the NG you need another way of being anonymous. I can not give an detailed explanation here only basic infos and keep in mind that I'm not an expert in this. First you need SocksCap32, that is an anonymizing program or SocksChain, which allows you to chain proxies. The more proxies you chain the more safe you will be, especially when you're uploading. After Installation you will need anonymous Proxies. You'll find Proxy-List-Links and all Links to the proggies mentioned here in the Links-Section. Now you need an proggie to find proxies like Proxy Hunter, Wingate Scan & Klever Dipstick, with which you can find the fastest proxy. Also you need Autopost32, that allows you to post articles to news anonymously, Server 2000, that allows you to verify that a proxy server is alive and running and Totostat, that lets you check what socks your computer is connecting to. And last but not least you need HJ-Split or Mastersplitter (Still-Listener) to split your files into little parts (recommended 300 KB) and Fastcode to maybe encode your stuff, cause the Usenet was only built up for text and for the Newsserver it is a strange format, when you're uploading files like pics & movies. After you've done so, you have to choose a good Newsserver. There are Pay and Free Newsserver. Not all NGs are listed in every Newsserver and the Pay-Server are better than the Free Ones, but you have to choose one that allows anonymous posting. This is a lot, but after you worked it out, than you will be relatively safe not only for Internet, Usenet & E-Mail but also for FTP, IRC & ICQ. ----------------------------------------------------------- FTP, IRC, ICQ This are the most unsafe and unsecure services in the net. If you use them think twice if you should do so !! To trace you from here is extremly easy cause IP-Adresses are used here for Communication !! Also read Newsgroups-Section for being safe here !! ----------------------------------------------------------- Dsl Dsl is a new fast method surfing the net with over 700 kBit/s, and I think it's the future of Surfing. I'm not surfing with Dsl yet, but I hope I will get it soon. So I have no knowledge about it, but I heard of Security-Lacks surfing by Dsl. So it's up to you, to check the Links in the Links-Section. ----------------------------------------------------------- Links Proxies MultiProxy http://proxy.nikto.net/ A4Proxy http://www.inetprivacy.com/welcome.htm Anonymitiy-Check http://privacy.net/anonymizer Anonymitiy-Check http://checkpoint1.hypermart.net/index.html Whois-Check http://www.all-nettools.com/tools1.htm Abbreviations http://network-tools.com/whois Proxy-Network Freedom http://www.freedom.net/ Proxy-Network JAP http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/ ShieldsUp (Ports-Test) http://www.grc.com/ Proxy-Lists http://www.lightspeed.de/irc4all/eindex.htm http://tools.rosinstrument.com/***-bin/fp.pl (***=c g i) http://proxys4all.***.net/ (***=c g i) HD-Cleaning Spider http://www.fsm.nl/ward Cyberscrub http://kickme.to/securesoft DelayDel V1.0 http://www.amok.am/frame.htm BCWipe http://www.jetico.com/ BestCrypt http://www.jetico.com/ Spyware-Cleaner http://www.lavasoft.de/ Software AnalogX (Anything) http://www.analogx.com/ AntiVir (Free AV-Proggie) -----http://www.free-av.com/eula.htm Astalavista (Cracks) http://astalavista.box.sk/ Cosmo-Connor (Anything) http://kickme.to/cosmocon Cnet (Anything) http://download.cnet.com/ DJ Tozz (Anything) http://kickme.to/djtozz/ GnuPG http://www.gnupg.org/ GnuPG (German) http://www.gnupg.de/ Fosi (Anything) http://fosi.ussr.to/ or http://sling.to/fosi or -----http://kickme.to/FOSI Link-Corner (German) http://www.linkcorner.de/movie/index.htm McAffee (Pay AV-Proggie) http://www.avertlabs.com/ PGP http://www.pgpi.org/ (Not use PGP v.7.01 and higher) SecureSoft (Securtiy-Software) http://kickme.to/securesoft/ Still Listeners Corner (Anything) -----http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/hurst/858 -----http://www.stilllistener.com/ Scramdisk (On-The-Fly-Encrytion) http://www.scramdisk.clara.net/ Web-Attack (Anything) http://www.webattack.com/files/ Zone-Alarm (Firewall) http://www.zonelabs.com/ Infos Anonymity (German) http://www.geocities.com/hirnprinz95338 Computer-Channel (German General News) -----http://www.computerchannel.de/home.phtml Doctor Who's Encryption & Security FAQ -----http://www.hellfire.demon.nl/guest/es-faq/es-faq141.htm PC-Welt (German) http://www.pcwelt.de/ Ramses-FAQ (Security) -----http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/4051/ramframe.htm Slim-Dog (Security-Board) http://www.whateverhost.com/jambo/s.html The Register (General News) -----http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/1/index.html X-Itec Security-Page (German) http://www.new-engine.de/index4.php3 Phonehome (Spy-Ware-Infos German) http://www.phonehome.da.ru/ E-Mail Anonymous Email http://888.nu/ Anonymous Email http://www.fastmail.ca/ Anonymous Email http://www.iname.com/ Anonymous Email http://www.ziplip.com/ http://www.hotmail.com/ http://www.mailandnews.com/ http://www.gmx.net/ Newsgroups & Proxy-Chains SBNews (Anonymous Newsrobot) -----http://www.newsrobot.com/sbnews/sbnews.html News Hunter Application http://www.slip.net/~rain/nh/ SocksCap32 Setup & FAQS http://www.stilllistener.com/ -----http://www.socks.nec.com/sockscap.html Autopost32 http://www.stilllistener.com/ MasterSplitter http://www.interlog.com/~tomasoft Fastcode32 http://www.angelfire.com/ca/kent/ Wingate Scan http://members.xoom.com/xsteelwolf/wg30.htm -----http://www.pnet.pl/~achates/Wgatescan.htm Proxy Hunter -----http://member.netease.com/~windzh/software/proxyht/download.htm Klever Dipstick http://klever.net/kin/static/dipstick.exe Server 2000 -----http://freespace.virgin.net/david.wood6/Server/Server.htm SocksChain http://www.ufasoft.com/socks TotoStat http://idirect.tucows.com/files/totostat_install.exe Pay Newsserver http://www.airnews.net/ -----Newslist http://www.newscene.com/ http://www.altopia.com/ Free Newsserver http://freenews.maxbaud.net/ http://tools.rosinstrument.com/proxy/news.htm http://newssearch.pilum.net/ http://www.wnabb.freeserve.co.uk/ Dsl http://getadslnow.com/dsl_security.html http://www.computeruser.com/magazine/national/1722/nets1722.html http://www.cruzio.com/support/dslsecurity.html http://www.everythingdsl.com/dslsecurity.html http://www.jump.ca/index.xtml?section=dsl&page=secure http://www.psc-reno.com/dslalert.asp http://www.octu.com/dslsecurity.html http://www.anythingdsl.com/security/ http://istpub.berkeley.edu:4201/bcc/Apr_May2000/sec.dsl.html http://www.dsl-list.com/dsl-security.htm http://www.techtv.com/superguides/virus/productreviews/ story/0,23008,2413205,00.html http://www.dsltips.com/dsl-security.htm http://support.easystreet.com/easydsl/dslsecurity.html http://www.ellijay.com/adsl/security.htm ----------------------------------------------------------